Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sports will melt pounds

Halle (Saale) /. Desiré knows that she must lose weight. Not just a
few pounds, but several kilos. The blond girl is twelve years old and
overweight. "When I eat, it's usually too much," she admits candidly.
To restrain himself fall, expressed her hard. Since nothing is
profitable to think in moments of intense hunger at the teasing of
classmates who Desiré must always be endured. And that hurt her.
Sometimes gum help to curb the appetite a little, but that does not
bring too much, she says. And the pounds that she has fallen for a
cure are long angefuttert again. Therefore Desiré has decided to
exercise regularly. And while the sports club of the Francke
Foundations in Halle, which is located at the Family Center of

Training takes place every Thursday in the late afternoon in a large
hall. This time, seven children aged between eight and 13 years have
come, which all have the same trouble - they are too thick. After a
warm-up with Jenny Rank makes Max, Chris, Amira and her other proteges
ball games, which depend on speed and skill. She understands it well,
to motivate the children, she praises often. "They feel comfortable
here, are not under pressure to perform, and neither she teases," said
the 21-year-old who is in training as a gymnastics teacher.
Sport is a good chance in the fight against the pounds. At least in
Germany, about 15 percent of all children and adolescents are
overweight, and rising.
This group has a significantly higher risk of developing diabetes,
degenerative joint disease or high blood pressure. Quite apart from
psychological wounds caused when children are exposed to scorn and
"That's why we created these sports group to life," says Jens German,
who heads the Family Center of Excellence. The children should be
taught the joy of movement. If they are in the gym, they can not sit
at the computer or watching TV. And chocolate chips are there not,
instead, time is always a swig from the bottle of water.
Sport is by no means the only meaningful employment, which is offered
in the center, which is located in the "House of Generations" on the
grounds of the Francke Foundations. Every day is played there, cooked
and eaten together, told and discussed. As German Jens says, will
render the offer to be strengthened: "Since we can use financial aid
Overweight children are dependent on the support of their family if
they want to lose weight, but often lack the necessary knowledge to
parents. Therefore, there are a number of specially tailored for
families offers, such as actions for a healthy diet and help with
education issues. It can also take sports family camps in the holidays
as well as parent-child sports lessons. If necessary, are primarily
single-parent families, sponsors put aside - in cooperation with the
Children's Hospital of the University Hospital.
Because it is so important that children are fed adequately and
properly fit and are also engaged in the "help-We 'association with
this topic. The motto is: "Healthy and fit - help us, so that poor
children are strong."
Meanwhile the children of the sports group worked up a sweat and
breath. They have formed two teams at the end of the hour and try with
balls in the attacking half cones to bring you down. What makes them
fun. Rank trainer hopes that the children move beyond the hours out
more sports.
For the nine-year-old Jennifer that works quite well. She goes further
still swimming and eating pizza instead of more vegetables. And the
pounds now? "Only a little," she says.
Meanwhile, have Lena (7) and her mother sat on the edge of the playing
field. Weighs 18 kg, the girls too much. "We urgently need to do
something," says her mother. For the next hour, even Lena sports will
be among the assets.