Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Healthy nutrition can be fun

Gives tips and advice abound, theoretically, nearly everyone knows
what a "healthy diet" - lagging behind the practical implementation,
however, there. To provide variety in the diet - carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water - not more and not less
in focus, as with everything the body needs is.
Access to the salad is good to always favor him, is unilateral and has
nothing to do with a healthy diet, nothing more, warns professor Dr.
Peter Grimm, Director of the Section Baden-Wurttemberg, the German
Society for Nutrition (DGE). "The mix makes," says the nutritionist.
As an optimal mix looks like, food pyramids perform impressively in
mind: at the top of the pyramid to find those foods in which you
should hold back, the six steps to the base is then allowed access to
more and more. Logically, therefore provide the drinks, the pyramid
base, because plenty of fluids as it is to be, vital. Who suffers from
not drinking enough, fast under poor concentration, fatigue and
headaches. But is normally around 1.5 liters per day, preferably in
the form of water, diluted fruit juice, herbal or fruit tea.

"5 a Day" is the catchy slogan for vegetables / salad and fruit
pyramid on stage five. Short-cooked, fresh or sometimes as a juice,
they provide the body with the main meals as well as intermediate
abundant phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and fiber as well as
secondary. The approximately 600 grams per day should be divided among
the three servings of vegetables / salad and two servings of fruits
sounds easy and delicious, yet knows Peter Grimm. "The demand for
vegetables in Germany is still a mess," Here, carrots, leeks,
cauliflower and Co. not only healthy, but because water-rich and low
in energy, well suited for the character.
Grain products like bread, pasta, cereals and bread - preferably from
whole grains - and potatoes are the saturated maker, where you can
access it. They contain no fat, carbohydrates, and this important
vitamins and fiber - and, mind you: whole grain products satisfy, in
contrast to more baked goods made with white flour.
May be on the menu daily milk and milk products such as cheese, yogurt
and cottage cheese. The supply of calcium, easily digestible fat and
high-quality protein. Only once a week should however fish, meat, eggs
and sausage are served. "For many people today is to eat meat, suffice
it around 300 to 600 grams a week," said Peter Grimm. Meat supplies in
addition to minerals, especially vitamins B 1, B 6 and B 12, fish
supplies to consumers with the polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids.
Since fats are very energy-rich, with the taste-makers and "carriers"
of fat-soluble vitamins that are found just below the top of the
pyramid at level two, announced a more economical use - per day are
60-80 g. It makes sense, vegetable fats preference to give and to
avoid "hydrogenated fats". Sugar and salt can be partially offset by
spices and herbs or honey substitute, in confectionery and moderate
alcohol consumption is reasonable.
How easy it is to deal with the daily portions, for example, shows
that aid nutrition pyramid. Depending see which of the six pyramid
levels, the food, so many servings are allowed daily, that is, six
servings of beverages at the base, three servings of milk and milk
products as well as a portion of meat, sausages, fish or egg on stage
four, and the head a portion of "pleasure". One serving is quite
simple, which fits in one hand - a slice of bread, an apple, a glass
of water. Inserts, as are pasta, potatoes and cereals, fruit or
chopped vegetables measured with two hands, the fat with tablespoons.
If it is still scheduled time for meals, pleasure and fun are not too
short, the question "What We Eat?" Suddenly sound very tempting. There
is even no, but "a hot meal, whether lunch or dinner, naturally brings
more variety with the same," says Peter Grimm. And should attract some
sausage - just eat a salad in advance, advises the expert, then the
famine is already smaller.